Author: Jenna Krishnan


By Adv. Mohini Priya, Pallav Arora, Palak Mathur MARITAL RAPE Throughout the history of most societies, it has been acceptable for men to force their wivesto have intercourse against their will. The traditional definition of rape in most countries was‘sexual intercourse with a female not his wife without her consent’. This provided thehusband with an

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By Adv. Aashit A. Kankariya INTERPRETATION OF CONVICTION FOR LIFE IMPRISONMENT  1. We live in a society whereby the rule of law is of utmost importance  and that therefore nobody is above the realm of law. Such a  principal is very effective and helps us live peacefully wherein  persons unfit to live in society are

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Analysis of the Atrocities Law and its Legal  Implications

By Adv. Aashit A. Kankariya Analysis of the Atrocities Law and its Legal  Implications  Since thousands of years in the Indian society, there are a section of  people, who are facing atrocities on the basis of caste. After  Independence 1947, our founding fathers of the constitution have given  fundamental rights to each and every Indian

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Non-compete clauses in India

Non-compete clauses essentially mean that the employee/contractor etc. agrees, through this clause, not to work or engage in any competing activity with the employer during and after his/her/their tenure with the current company.  I must preface this discussion, by saying that under the Indian Contract Act (s.27), any contract or provision that is in restraint

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Is an attempt to suicide illegal?

There is an apparent disconnect in the law as it currently stands (as on date of writing this post) between s. 309 of the IPC and s. 115 of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. S. 309 criminalises an attempt to suicide, with imprisonment and fine. While numerous tries have been made to challenge the constitutional

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Obscenity laws in India

Ranveer Singh’s recent nude pictures took the internet by storm, so much so, that he found himself slapped with an FIR. Why? Read on to understand why posting nude pictures on the internet, can be considered obscene, and therefore, a criminal offense.

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Do’s and Don’ts relating to the national flag

With the huge success of the #harghartiranga campaign, chances are that flying the national flag, at important events in our country, from people’s homes, will slowly become more popular. But the national flag is a symbol of pride and honour and needs to be treated with due respect. Read on for simple Do’s and Dont’s

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Gifts between siblings

The gifting season is upon us- from Raksha Bandhan to Diwali, Bhaidooj, Christmas… you name it. In almost all this, the brother usually gives a meaningful gift to his sister, signifying his promise to support and watch over her for life.  Read on to know what the law says on gifts between siblings…

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Directors liabilities in India

The Legislature, under the Companies act, has set a very high standard of conduct for directors – in their intention to encourage them to act honestly and bear responsibility for their actions. And this is why, it is vital for everyone to know liabilities they would potentially be exposed to, if they accept a Director

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